Thursday, May 13, 2010

Build trust to attract links

Trust is an important consideration in many aspects of operating a business online
. If your target users don't trust you, you can kiss your desired conversion rates goodbye. If the search engines don't trust your site, your search engine optimization efforts will go to waste. If other websites doesn't trust yours, link building is going to be a very difficult task indeed.

Link building is never an easy task. It requires persistence, resources and not just a little ingenuity. Consulting a professional is always a good idea when you're after link building strategies, and we can help you at Before you can hope for success with your SEO link building campaign, however, you have to have the appearance of a trustworthy site.

Why is trust important for link building? As you will know if you're considering SEO link building, every time you send a link out from your site you're essentially giving it your endorsement. When the search engine spiders crawl past and follow that link, they lend the linked site some of your credibility. If the link leads to a bad site, part of that site's bad reputation comes back to you. Outbound links can sometimes come back to hurt the linkers.

Many site owners are aware of this, and those that aren't are at least aware that their links have power on the net. The rare site owner that has no consideration for their own business reputation is worried about what their site users will think if a link they feature is a bad one.

This is one of the reasons that link building is so hard, and one of the many reasons to seek professional link building services. You can discuss link building with us at People aren't eager to give away their links, and when they're thinking about the safety of their site, they want to be sure that their links lead somewhere trustworthy.

How to create trust Creating the appearance of a trustworthy site should be a part of every SEO campaign. Other site owners are looking for roughly the same things as internet users when they visit a site they're considering linking to. You need to ensure that you're giving off the overt signs of trustworthiness, and not any that will set alarm bells ringing.

*Security logos: Although these are some of the easiest things for disreputable sites to fake, they have an impressive effect on a person's perception of trustworthiness. If you take any security precautions on your site, it's a good idea to advertise them with a discreet logo in the margins.

*Affiliations with institutions or groups. Similar to the point above, people like to see the logos of industry groups or other impressive institutions.

*A privacy policy. This is essential, even if you don't require site users to register. Privacy policies are so common on the modern net that the absence of one looks suspicious.

*A clean-looking site. A professional appearance goes a long way to setting people's minds at ease.